博世电动工具(中国)有限公司.(亚太区供应链项目主管 Supply Chain Project Leader Asia Pacific)

所在地区: 杭州

所属行业: 机械制造/机电/重工

职位类别: 贸易/采购/物流/仓储 >

全职  2024年04月07日 
若干  面议 
不限  不限 


Main Responsibilities: - Design of concepts, processes and material flow for Supply Chain Asia Pacific (together with Logistics Headquarters in Germany) - Implementation of processes and material flow in Asia Pacific - Lead or participate in cross-functional projects in Source, Make and Deliver Logistics (Material flow design, Process design, etc) - Lead or participate in Supply Chain IT-projects in regards to process and user requirement Requirement: - Bachelors degree or above - Related to 3 years experience in project management and logistics processes - Good English Skill - Familiar with ERP, SAP is preferred主要职责:参与亚太区物流规划,流程设计,推动标准物流流程,实际物流优化的实施主导或参与跨部门供应链项目(基于博世BPS原则,涵盖供应链的采购,制造,渠道分配等环节)主导或参与供应链信息技术系统项目, 确保业务流程及用户需求得以实现任职要求:物流或信息技术相关专业本科以上学历3年以上项目管理或物流管理经验英语口语优秀熟悉ERP等应用软件,有SAP经验者优先