博世力士乐(常州)有限公司(Logistics Project Engineer 物流项目工程师)

所在地区: 常州

所属行业: 机械制造/机电/重工,交通/运输/物流

职位类别: 贸易/采购/物流/仓储 > 物流专员/助理

全职  2024年04月20日 
1-2年  本科 


Job Descriptions:

1.Analysing the material flow and planning situation and identify the needs of projects within the plant

2.Setup of projects(supported by WujP/CLP)项目构成(由武进工厂物流部支持)
(1)Capacity estimation 产能估计
(2)Projects steps 项目步骤
(3)Project plan 项目计划
(4)Necessary skills/people 必需技术及人员
(5)Duration of single steps and phases 单个步骤及阶段的持续期

3.Lead projects for WujP/CLP 领导武进物流部的项目工作
(1)Follow up on project plans and single tasks 跟踪项目计划及单个任务
(2)Encourage people(internal as well as external like other departments,supplier/customers)to contribute to project 激励员工(包括本部门及其他部门的员工,供应商/客户)积极投入项目
(3)Coordination of different tasks 协调不同的任务
(4)Keeping the timeline 遵循项目时间表

4.Project Work 项目工作
(1)Concept development for lean logistics projects 精益化物流概念的发展
(2)Data evaluation&Data analysis 数据估算及分析
(3)Preparation for decision-making 决策的准备
(4)Establish and strengthen team work in projects 建立和巩固项目的团队合作
(5)Interact with all participants in project 项目参与者相互配合
(6)Use of necessary tools for project management like 使用项目管理必需工具
  -Project management tools(e.g.MS Project)项目管理工具(如。MS Project)
  -Open topic lists 开放式任务清单

5.Sharing knowledge and skills,developing and supporting all members of department

6.Prepare and give presentations to various audiences,following strictly the standards and guidelines of BOSCH Rexroth and WujP/CLP 有能力而且愿意严格遵守博士力士乐武进物流部的标准及方针并向不同听众作陈述

1.Logistics experiences 物流经验
2.Supply Chain Management 供应链管理
3.Distribution concepts in China/worldwide 中国/全球分销概念
4.Sourcing concepts in China/worldwide 中国/全球采购概念
5.Lean Logistics/Lean Management skills and tools 精益化物流/精益化管理技巧及工具
6.Warehouse Management 仓库管理
7.Physical Layout 物理布局
8.Purchasing experiences(optional):Supplier development 采购经验(可选):供应商发展
9.Software(must)软件(必须):MS Office(Word,Excel,Powerpoint),MS Access,MS Project(optional)
10.Analysis skills 分析技能
11.“Feeling”for figures 数据感知
12.Logical thinking 逻辑性思维
13.Soft skills 软技巧
14.Team oriented,Creativity/Innovativeness,Willingness to accept responsibility,Ability to make decision
15.Tolerance for stress 具有团队领导能力,创造/创新能力,愿意承担责任,决策能力,能承受压力
16.Languages skills:Fluent English,knowledge of German as plus 英语流利,会德语优先