惠州海格电气有限公司(Electronic sourcing engineer)

所在地区: 惠州

所属行业: 房地产/建筑/装饰材料


全职  2024年04月05日 
6-8年及以上  本科 


Job Description:
1, Managing demand of electronics component, supplier located in Asia.
-with company sourcing policy, search and develop supplier and setup the competitive vendor base.
-Define, release and apply together with the lead buyers on the electronic Asian sourcing strategy.
-Take action to optimize the vendor base according to target.
-do regular market analysis/survey in order to adapt our supplier panel.
2, Cost management.
-Manage regular cost review and negotiate the contract price to match cost reduction target.
-Suggest, validate and implement Material cost reduction action in complementary of negotiation in accordance with MCR target.
-Manage RFQ and support the cost analysis for new project.
-Participate to make or buy (internal&external).
-Manage the system price and item master.
3, Supplier management.
-Build up partner relationship with key supplier to support company business development.
-Continuously improve the supplier performance in quality, flexible delivery and technical support.
-Capacity review, reducing material L/T, MOQ and flexibility to support timely demand ramp.
-Assess the supplier to enter supplier panel and ensure products quality according Hager's standards.
4, Project Management
-Participate and support to development project for Hager Group needs.
-Bridge Hager development team and supplier in technical, price, sample validation and project schedule.