
所在地区: 宁波

所属行业: 交通/运输/物流

职位类别: 贸易/采购/物流/仓储 > 船运/空运/陆运操作

全职  2024年02月02日 
1-2年  大专 


Job Duties工作职责:
-Work with destination/control colleagues to follow cases till file close.跟目的港同事保持联络,跟进单子直至完成。-Contact customers and arrange cargo move ahead as requested.联系客户并安排货物出运。-Consequently arrange airlines booking as requested.及时按要求订舱。-Co-ordinate with Hub Staff and monitors the export operations procedures.跟HUB同事保持联络,并跟进所有出口流程。-To issue the relevant shipping documents and ensure all data match the customs regulations.出具单据,并确保每一个数据及内容都符合出口要求。-Constantly update the database systems with freight details,and report to customera as well as destination/control colleagues.及时更新数据系统,并及时通知客户和海外同事。-Provides daily and monthly reports,to issue freight invoices.制作每日,每月报表,出具发票等。-Submit RE&close files.跟进财务部递交RE,整理FILE归档。
Job Requirements(岗位要求):
-College or above major in Logistics,International Trade or relevant大专及以上学历,物流、国际贸易或相关专业。
-Some experience as operation or customer service with forwarding company,trading company or relevant business industry.在货代、外贸公司等相关行业有一定的工作经验优先。
-Good command of English both verbal and written.较好掌握英语的口语和书面应用-Good computer application in MS,word,Excel etc.熟练运用各类办公软件,如WORD,EXCEL等。-Open,initiative,team-player,attention to details,parient.开朗,主动,有良好的团队合作精神,注重细节,有耐心。-Capability and enthusiasm and intention to accept new.有接受新事物的能力,充满热情。