
所在地区: 广州

所属行业: 交通/运输/物流

职位类别: 贸易/采购/物流/仓储 > 调度员

全职  2024年04月19日 
3-5年  大专 


Responsibility:Contact Chinese exhibitors going to shows abroad and offer the complete exhibition services including the transports to the exhibitions and back 联系中国到外国的参展商和提供具有竞争力的报价
Prove the correctness of the shipping documents and if necessary coordinate the amendment with the exhibitor and let him send the original documentation to the local operator 确保客户送达的文件的准确,并转交给相关的操作员
Pre-alerts to and coordinates all shipments with the exhibition agent in the destination country向目的地的代理发送货物到达通知
Tracking shipment to ensure on time delivery goods to booth 跟踪货物运输状况以确保货物准时按客户要求送达展位
Coordinate return shipments with overseas agents.协同目的地代理安排回运的货物
Maintain good relationship with clients与客户保持良好的关系
Provides exact instructions to the local operator how to issue the invoice to the exhibitor&collects the invoice amount asap(to avoid outstanding)指引操作员向客户开帐单并安排客户及时付款(避免坏帐)

College graduate大专毕业
Relevant experience at exhibition forwarding&logistics operations 相关的站展览品运输及物流的工作经验
Possess warehousing and distribution knowledge有仓库或运输分发的知识
Excellent communication and IT application skills eg.MS Office,Excel 良好的沟通和计算机技能,例如:MS 办公软件,Excel
Reliable and punctual,can work under pressure 可信赖和守时,能承受压力
Occasional weekend work shifts&occasional travelling is required 并且愿意根据项目的需求周末加班或出差
Fluent in written and spoken English,Mandarin and Cantonese英文读写流利,国/粤语流利